Vesta HORR, March 18th-19th

25th March, 2024

Masters Men’s 8+

Matt Clayton, Ian Townsend, Marc Baldwin, Andy Tyler, Ed Haddon, Maggie Cooke, Charlie Jackson, Andrew Gordon-Brown and Brett Hardy.

Andy Tyler: “The 2024 Vesta International Master Head of the River Race took place at the end of March over its traditional Chiswick to Putney course and in surprisingly benign conditions, with only a mild tailwind to contend with. We arrived at the start in the nick of time, having been severely delayed boating in Putney, but as a result had no time to cool down after a brisk row up and set off at our target rate for the course of 33-34.

“The race was uneventful until we passed the island and overlapped the Dutch crew immediately in front of us at the same time as we both approached a slow-moving German crew, who were clearly not familiar with passing etiquette so had to be instructed – in very direct terms by Maggie – to move across or face the consequences. Having skillfully threaded us through the traffic and nailed the optimum line under Hammersmith Bridge, we upped our pace to the end of the course, passing the Putney Embankment at 35. We finished 4th in the E (55-60) category, beaten only by the Molesey ‘Legends’ crew packed with International and Boat Race talent, by the Irish Masters (somehow including an Estonian World Sculling Champ in their crew) and by an Upper Thames/LRC composite put together specifically for the race, so we can claim to be the first proper ‘club’ crew across the line. Overall we raced as well as we could have with the disrupted winters training and approach the regatta season in really good shape!”

Women’s Masters 8+

Laura Cowan (cox), Nicole Etheridge, Jules Taylor, Sharon Manhi, Keri Lynch, Sharon Alcock, Ali Turner, Sally Hardwick, Jacqui Lindsey

Sharon Alcock: “A grand day out on the Tideway. So very proud of the strength-to-strength Masters’ Women for getting to this point despite flood interruptions and race cancellations in the run up.

Half the boat were on the championship course for the first time but conditions were grand (if windy at times) and we had a good, consistent and well balanced row. That despite chaotic boating at Putney end due to high tide flooding across the road and a mad dash all the way down to the start, with each marshal telling us we were late and not to stop on the way!

We regretted all of the layers! But had around 8 minutes to strip, drink and gather before rowing straight back again. We came 4th in our category and were pleased with our row. We couldn’t have done it without super cool, foxy cox Laura Cowan, steering the course for only her 2nd time (the 1st being the day before with the Masters Men!).”

Mixed Masters 4x

Robert Farrell, Hils Strickland, Juliet Phillipson, Richard Thomas

Robert Farrell: “At the Vesta Masters Head, rowed over the Boat Race course backwards, the Mixed Masters 4x- managed to put the many disappointments of the season – all those cancelled outings and a poor row at Gloucester – behind us.

After Gloucester we had got Ching to film us and then analyse the results immediately on the boathouse TV (I got an earful about not rocking over and leading with the left hand). We had another outing where we worked on her ideas and the boat went well.

The previous day it had been wet and windy for the Tideway Head, but it was sunny when we gathered on the very crowded and busy Putney embankment. Lots of queueing up saw us being almost the last crew afloat, and we got endless “get a move on Minerva” from the marshals as we navigated the 5 miles upstream (and into the wind) to just below Kew Bridge where we sat in the bright sunlight and marvelled at sheer width of the river.

By the time we got going the tailwind had turned ‘useful’ and the sun was getting low. We had a lively start and then settled into a nice 27/28 rhythm which soon saw us overtaking crew 252 and pulling away from the boats behind us. Richard at bow steered us well around those long tricky Tideway bends.

Back ashore it was clear that we had all enjoyed the row. We clocked 22.11 and finished 5/10 in our age-group class; very respectable. And how nice it was to be able to come straight back ashore at Putney, crowds notwithstanding.”

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