Minerva’s Summer Pudding Regatta

5th August, 2024

Sunday 4th August – faces from every squad, friends and families were seen at our fabulous and fun race day.

With six mixed crews and knock-out heats, the short, fast blast from the floating petrol platform to the end of Minerva’s landing stage saw plenty of drama and excitement.

Catching a ‘super crab’ in the first heat was a surprise start (and a broken blade!) for one crew, while most of the subsequent races were close-matched. High fives has to go to skilful cox Katrina who won every race!

Big thanks to everyone who came along on the day, to all the coxes, umpires, organisers, tea and cake makers, to Andy for his handmade mega-tasty burgers and especially to Heidi and Tim for making it happen.

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