As an established club we understand the importance of community, and Minerva has strong links with schools and community groups. We understand the importance of sport in learning and development and want to ensure our facilities are used for good in the community where we can.
Particularly in our more recent history, we have helped local schools introduce rowing to their students, as well as supporting Mentoring Plus, helping inspire the lives of young people in Bath.

Mentoring Plus is a youth crime prevention project working with vulnerable young people, living in Bath and North East Somerset, who are at risk of offending. Minerva Bath rowing club has been working with the local council on this project and supports the council’s aims of using sport;
- To offer participants a consistent and supportive role model via their relationship with a volunteer mentor,
- To provide participants with the opportunities and support to positively alter their lifestyles,
- To assist participants to develop and achieve personal goals,
- To introduce participants to local community resources and encourage constructive use of leisure time,
- To enhance participants’ sense of personal responsibility, self-worth and self-confidence.
The project provides a mentoring and education support programme structured over one year. Minerva Bath Rowing Club offers access to rowing during the summer months.

Beechen Cliff School
Since 1995 Beechen Cliff School and Minerva Bath Rowing Club join forces every year and offer rowing as an additional activity for pupils after school. Courses start every spring and take place after school once a week. At the end of the learn to row course juniors are able to row in a single scull. Many of the pupils from Beechen Cliff join our lively junior squad at the end of the learn to row course, training regularly at weekends and during the week and taking part in regattas.
Since the partnership started more than 200 pupils have taken part in the scheme and learned to row. We also have run courses run regularly with other school partnerships including Hayesfield School, Millfield school and St Mary’s, Calne. Other schools that are interested in starting a partnership with Minerva Rowing Club to offer rowing as an extra curricular activity to their pupils are very welcome to contact us.