How much is membership and how do I pay?
For current fees please click here. We prefer you to pay either by monthly Direct Debit (payable on or near the 15th of each month) or a one off annual payment. Your rep will provide bank details.
When should I start paying membership?
Usually your rep will give you one or two free sessions as a taster to see if you like the club, but you must be covered by the club insurance policy to do this for adults please complete this form, and if you are a junior please complete this form. However, you should start your Direct Debit for the next payment date after your first session (15th of the month).
When should I fill out a membership form and where can I get this?
This must be completed before you use any of the club’s facilities. A link to the WebCollect online membership form is here and then let the club rep know when you have completed it.
I’m rowing at Minerva as a guest of a club member, does your insurance cover me?
All fee paying members of MBRC are covered by club insurance. If you are rowing at Minerva as a guest, before using club facilities and equipment and before going out on the water, you must be covered by the club insurance. For adults please complete this form, and if you are a junior please complete this form.
How does the club keep rowers safe on the river?
MBRC has a dedicated Safety officer who you can contact at any time. The club has set out its Safety Plan which can be read and downloaded here.
Minerva Bath Rowing Club offers both sweep rowing and sculling for its members. Small boats, especially singles and doubles are fast and inherently unstable. As such MBRC has developed a competency framework to support member safety when on the river sculling. Full details can be found here. MBRC also has a dedicated sculling rep as part of the Rowing Committee who is contactable at any time with your sculling queries here.
How does the club manage its obligations to Junior Members.
MBRC takes its responsibilities to junior members seriously and observes the rules and advice provided by British Rowing which have been codified into our Junior Rowing Framework which can be accessed here. And specific queries regarding Junior rowing should be directed to the Junior Co-ordinator or the Chairman who you can contact at any time.
How do I keep in touch with the club?
Your rep will add your email address to their squad distribution list – they usually email out with information once a week (sometimes more, sometimes less). The Communications Officer will also email out fortnightly with general news and information.
What about Social Media?
Social Media offers great ways to keep in touch with the club – on Facebook, search for Minerva Bath Rowing Club; we have two pages, one for all our internal club news and one for our fundraising / PR. On Instagram follow @minerva_bath_rowing_club. On Twitter, follow @MinervaRowing
How do I start rowing?
Your rep will circulate your email to the squad. Initially, you should lookout for sub requests via email / Facebook. Your rep may also be able to link you up to a crew / mini squad. If you are an experienced sculler your rep will be able to put you in touch with our sculling coach.
I’d like to join a crew. How do I do that?
Try and get on the water as much as you can; either by subbing in or sculling. Attend land training sessions – more information can be found on the squad pages. Fill out any crew questionnaires you may be sent. Speak with coaches and reps and let them know your ambitions and availabilities. At certain crew selection points through the year crews will be reorganised.
What other ways can I get involved?
Look out for news of social events through Facebook and emails from our social secretary.